Alert from Rand Paul -
Pentagon recently handed over 20 fighter jets - $213 million dollars worth - to a Muslim Brotherhood-led government determined to impose Sharia Law on Egypt.
Dear Ruth, While they burn our flags and murder our citizens, our President seems to think throwing more taxpayer money to our enemies overseas is the solution to our problems. In fact, the Pentagon recently handed over 20 fighter jets - $213 million dollars worth - to a Muslim Brotherhood-led government determined to impose Sharia Law on Egypt. Today, the U.S. Senate will vote on my Amendment to prohibit the sale of fighter jets to Egypt. Please call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 IMMEDIATELY and demand they support my Amendment at every opportunity. Of course, these fighter jets are part of the BILLION dollars in taxpayer money our government hands out each year in the name of "foreign aid." The last thing we should be doing is handing F-16s to our enemies. So please call your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY at (202) 224-3121 and demand they support my Amendment to prohibit the sale of F-16's to Egypt. You see, at the same time we're giving Israel 25 fighter jets, our government turns around and hands 20 of them to a nation that's leader wants to destroy Israel. Ruth, it's this type of insanity I'm going to try to put an end to today with my Amendment to prohibit the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Egypt! Will you join me in standing up for American values and American taxpayers by calling your U.S. Senators and urging them to support my Amendment? Will you help me stop the doling out of money our nation doesn't have to people who do not act like our allies? You can reach your Senators at (202) 224-3121. Demand they vote for my Amendment to prohibit the sale of F-16's to Egypt. Let them know you oppose doling out taxpayer dollars to anti-American nations overseas. The vote is expected to take place this afternoon, so please call your Senators IMMEDIATELY! In Liberty, Senator Rand Paul P.S. Take a moment and watch the brief video I've put together about selling F-16's to Egypt, and please chip in $50, $25 or $10 to help RandPAC put an end to the madness. |
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