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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why are we sending F-16s to Egypt?!?

Alert from Rand Paul - RAND-PACPentagon recently handed over 20 fighter jets - $213 million dollars worth - to a Muslim Brotherhood-led government determined to impose Sharia Law on Egypt.

Dear Ruth,

While they burn our flags and murder our citizens, our President seems to think throwing more taxpayer money to our enemies overseas is the solution to our problems.

In fact, the Pentagon recently handed over 20 fighter jets - $213 million dollars worth - to a Muslim Brotherhood-led government determined to impose Sharia Law on Egypt.

Today, the U.S. Senate will vote on my Amendment to prohibit the sale of fighter jets to Egypt.

Please call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121 IMMEDIATELY and demand they support my Amendment at every opportunity.

Of course, these fighter jets are part of the BILLION dollars in taxpayer money our government hands out each year in the name of "foreign aid."

The last thing we should be doing is handing F-16s to our enemies.

So please call your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY at (202) 224-3121 and demand they support my Amendment to prohibit the sale of F-16's to Egypt.

You see, at the same time we're giving Israel 25 fighter jets, our government turns around and hands 20 of them to a nation that's leader wants to destroy Israel.

Ruth, it's this type of insanity I'm going to try to put an end to today with my Amendment to prohibit the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Egypt!

Will you join me in standing up for American values and American taxpayers by calling your U.S. Senators and urging them to support my Amendment?

Will you help me stop the doling out of money our nation doesn't have to people who do not act like our allies?

You can reach your Senators at (202) 224-3121. Demand they vote for my Amendment to prohibit the sale of F-16's to Egypt.

Let them know you oppose doling out taxpayer dollars to anti-American nations overseas.

The vote is expected to take place this afternoon, so please call your Senators IMMEDIATELY!

In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul

P.S. Take a moment and watch the brief video I've put together about selling F-16's to Egypt, and please chip in $50, $25 or $10 to help RandPAC put an end to the madness.

© RandPAC, 2013. All Rights Reserved.

Paid for by RandPAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions to RandPAC are not tax-deductible.

Monday, January 21, 2013

North County GOP Meeting Thursday & Info about "Lincoln Days"


includes Lewis & Clark, Florissant, Spanish Lake, Ferguson, Norwood and St Ferdinand townships

Our monthly meeting will be on 

                          THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2013

                                       AT 7:30 PM

                       AT  MR. YAC'S (YACOVELLI'S) (10 % discount)

                      407 DUNN ROAD FLORISSANT, MO                      


Our speaker will be David Stokes with the Show-me Institute.  He is currently a committeeman, formerly an assistant to a county councilman and on weekly with radio station KZRG.

     Attached is the notice about our Lincoln-Reagan Days.

         Contact your committeeman or woman to reserve your seat.

Lewis & Clark:  Dave Blanke 314-837-0484 or June Schmidt 314-837-3239

Florissant:  Bryan Koen 314-972-0846;  Spanish Lake:  Edna Ditto 314-837-8968

St Ferdinand:  Jim Rowe 314-868-1939;  Norwood:  Jennifer Krupp 314-662-0517

Ferguson:  Tim Dreste 314-614-0741 or Lisa Kaliski 314-412-8520


                      For information-contact Lou Hannibal at 314-831-6442


Membership is not required for attendance.  

If interested in joining club, dues are $15 a person or $25 for family.  Mail dues to Edna Ditto, 3580 Dwyer Ln.  Florissant, Mo 63033  Spanish Lake committeewoman


June Schmidt-secretary     314-838-3239

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Event: Homeschooling, Common Core, Who Cares?

#1. Homeschooling: Academics' Angst and Attacks
#2. Common Core Standards:
Who Cares?

Brian D. Ray, Ph.D.
President of the National Home Education Research Institute and Homeschooling Father of Eight

Family Vison Library
Date: January 31, 2013, Thursday,
7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.
Place: The Family Vision Library 2020 Parkway Dr.
St. Peters, MO 63376 (go here for directions)
(near I-70 and Exit 225)

Contact Person(s):

National Home Education Research Institute –, 503-364-1490

Free Admission but suggested contribution is $5 per person or $8 per family to the nonprofit National Home Education Research Institute encouraged. Books, reports, and DVDs available from NHERI.

There will be 3 main parts to this evening with Dr. Brian Ray from Oregon:

1. Professors and other academics appear to be increasing their attacks on freedom to privately homeschool. They are exhibiting angst over homeschoolers. Dr. Ray will speak on this, along with its connection to what research says about homeschooling students and families.

2. Common Core Standards – like a national curriculum: Only 5 states have said "no" to them so far. Who cares? What impact might they have on home educators and their children? What do you need to know?

3. Ask questions of, challenge, and hear Dr. Ray respond. Expect an informative Q and A session to round out the evening.

Dr. Ray will help you consider the answers to questions such as the following?
• Are parents qualified to teach their children?
• Are these children receiving an adequate academic education?
• What about socialization? (What is socialization, by the way?)
• How will these children behave when they get into the "real world of adulthood"?
• What do certain worldviews or God have to say about who should be educating – teaching, training, discipling, indoctrinating –
• Are proponents of statism cooperating with or co-opting homeschoolers' standards and plans for their children and their country? • What should be your short-term and long-term visions?

Bring the curious, the critic, your friend, your pastor, and your children's grandparents. Dr. Ray will have some good books and reports on homeschooling and child training for sale.

Dr. Ray has been critically reviewing research in the area of home-based education since 1984. He is the founding editor of Home School Researcher, a quarterly refereed journal dispersing research in home education; has published numerous articles on home education in professional journals (e.g., Peabody Journal of Education, Educational Leadership), Christianity Today, and Homeschooling Today magazine; has been interviewed by numerous radio, print, and television media, including two appearances on the "NBC Today Show" with presidents of the National Education Association; is a former professor of education at the undergraduate and graduate levels and classroom teacher in private and public schools, and has taught home-educated children; is a researcher, and takes a logical and friendly approach to home education. His Ph.D. is in science education from Oregon State University. His books are available at Dr. and Mrs. Ray are homeschooling parents of eight children.

National Home Education Research Institute
PO Box 13939 Salem OR 97309 503/364-1490 fax 503/364-2827

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Questions about 8th District - Who do you support? What about Crowell?

After my last post, I got an email asking why I didn't mention Jason Crowell or how the Missouri House only narrowly has a veto-proof majority.

The House has 163 seats. Veto-proof means 2/3rds of those seats would have to be Republican. 163 x .66666666 = 108.66666 Rounding up, that means 109 seats.

According to this news article, that's how many Republicans reps. there are: 109

Thus if Rep. Jason Smith or Ron Richarson were nominated, there is no longer a veto-proof majority for Republicans.

My friend commended Jason Crowell as  a strong, solid conservative.

What are your thoughts?

It seems like the House doesn't necessarily get down to business until the end of the session, and it seem like are replacement would elected if Smith or Richarson were nominated. (Logically it's hard to believe that an entire district would go without representation for an entire session!!)

Yet, with 12 candidates in the race, it's hard to believe that either Smith or Richarson (or Kinder for that matter) would really have some special quality that justifies giving the Democrats an edge.

My friend also mentioned that Nixon appointed a Republican state representative to some state board to bring the number down to the absolute minimum of 109. (Yes, after Nov. 8th there were 110 Republican reps in the MO House!)

That being said, it seems like the Republicans struggle to get on the same page because too many are not aligned by principle and are divided by special interests.

Who is the best candidate to be nominated in 8th?

Monday, January 14, 2013

MO 8th District Vacancy Candidates: Parker, Kinder, Steelman, L. Smith, J. Smith, Richardson

Emerson is resigning, and Missouri statute gives the responsibility of appointing her replacement to the Republican committeemen and women in the 8th Congressional district--86 people. (This is why running for Republican township committeeman or woman is important.)

While my title only mentions 6 candidates, a friend of mine from the 8th CD attended a local forum that included 12 (!) candidates. Seems like most people are still not thinking about how to figure out the real difference between the status quo and the someone who might actually say "no" to Washington:

"[Bob Parker was one of 12 at the first of two Candidate Forums.  He's the only one that's done work on the issues of property rights, against real ID, NAIS, etc.  The questions at the Candidate Forum were pitiful.... They were so basic that all the candidates sounded the same.  Although, even with that, only 3 or 4 of them mentioned the word Constitution---and one of those was Lloyd Smith! Pitiful!  Do you support the 2nd amendment? Can you raise enough money?  Do you support stemcell research?  What are you going to do to improve things for the very poor 8th district?  NOTHING about Patriot Act, NDAA, outlining what they would actually do to cut spending, etc.  So all we know is that they're ALL pro 2nd, anti embryo SCR, and for cutting spending..."

I'd heard that Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder was running, which is no surprise. But I also learned this morning that appointing Kinder presents a difficult dilemma for Republicans. Democrat Jay Nixon, according to one state law would appoint his replacement--likely a Democrat. But then, it also seems there is another conflicting law, so there is a bill, that's been filed the last 5 years but vetoed by Nixon, to change it from Gov. appointment to special election. There are enough votes to get by Nixon's veto this time around. But why appoint Kinder...

The featured an article suggesting that the "establishment candidates, "Lt. Gov Peter Kinder, former state treasurer Sarah Steelman, and state party executive director Lloyd Smith have all lost ground in recent weeks to grassroots candidates Jason Smith and Todd Richardson, both of whom are state representatives."

There is no mention of Bob Parker or others in the race from national sources but here's an article from the SEMissourian that has lists all 12 candidates:

Don't Miss! - A Forum on Missouri Economic Prosperity - this Saturday, Jan 19th

A reminder, or first invitation if you've not yet received it, to the upcoming -

Forum on Missouri Economic Prosperity - Jan 19th - a discussion & forum on the concept of introducing and implementing a stable monetary system in Missouri, for the purpose of protecting Missouri citizens from the dangers of economic chaos and instability in our financial systems!

This is an innovative concept that is gaining attention and legislative action in legislatures across our nation. Such legislation could hold the key to future stability and prosperity in Missouri.

Saint Charles County Liberty Project
Missouri Citizens for Sound Money & Economic Liberty
- cordially invite you to -



Please help spread the word!

Date: Saturday - Jan. 19, 2013

Time: 1:00 - 4:00pm

Place: Midwest Music Conservatory
15977 Clayton Rd.
Clarkson Valley, MO 63011

Please join us for a tremendously educational forum and discussion of the incredible need for our state & country to be returned to a sound & stable monetary system.

Speakers will include
Dr. Tom Woods - Sr. Fellow at Ludwig von Mises Institute
Doug Tjaden - Tenth Amendment Center
Craig Franco - CEO/President/Managing Director at Utah Gold & Silver Depository, LLC  (report on beneficial effects of sound monetary legislation
                              since passage & implementation in Utah)
Ed Martin - new Chairman of Missouri Republican Party
Sen. Jim Lembke
Rep. Anne Zerr
Rep. Paul Curtman
John Brunner - former candidate for US Senate
Speaker of the House - Tim Jones, as speaker and emcee!

                                           Don't miss this crucial event!


Hope you can join us, but if not, please forward to all your contacts and email lists, and please encourage your state legislators to attend! Our goal is to inform & educate on this concept and broad reaching benefits of a stable monetary system where Missourians can protect their personal investments and money.

Also - please Like our Facebook page! And share it to all your friends and family who may be interested.

See attached invitation for more info, and to forward to others.

Please call with any questions - 636-399-5036. Hope to see you there!

Brenda Webb
I Heard the People Say - Community Relations
Missouri Conservative Coalition - Secretary
Saint Charles County Liberty Project - Charter member
                                                      ....For Freedom!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

MO Legislators Make Oath to '...defend government'

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Rally Day: Wednesday, January 16, 2013
 Jefferson City, MO -- 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
That all political power is vested in and derived from the people;
that all government of right originates from the people,
is founded upon their will only,
and is instituted solely for the good of the whole.
(Art. I Sec. 1, Missouri Constitution)
Missouri's state reps sworn in today.
Took oath to "support and defend the government "!
Article III, Section 15 of the Missouri Constitution requires each state senator and representative to take the following oath of office:
"I do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of the state of Missouri, and faithfully perform the duties of my office, and that I will not knowingly receive, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing for the performance or nonperformance of any act or duty pertaining to my office, other than the compensation allowed by law."
The Constitution is the People's compact, or agreement, stipulating their duties to one another and the limits on the government the people created to execute those duties. Government's purpose is to serve the people.  It's "principal office" is to protect our liberty.  (Art. I Sec. 2)
Today, Wednesday, January 9th, the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court officiated the swearing in of the entire House of Representative.  The legally blind judge's version of the oath varied from the Constitutionally stipulated version, though...
Rather than swearing to support and defend the Constitution, the judge had the entire body state that they would support and defend the GOVERNMENT!
Ruth, that's a huge mistake to make and a terribly bad message to send to men and women whose primary task is to protect our liberty, not government.
One of the things we will be doing at the Consent of the Governed Rally on Jan. 16th is present a formal request to the leaders of the House and Senate, asking them to instruct the chairman of each committee to have their committees evaluate the constitutionality of each bill.
In addition to the framed copy of the Constitution, we will present each legislator with a framable copy of their oath of office.
Please join us -- we must remind each legislator that they are there at the consent of the governed!
For liberty,
ps  Each rep also signed a copy of the correct oath of office, so they are legally sworn in.
Consent of the Governed Rally
Featured speaker: Prof. Thomas Woods
Also, 3 minutes reports from advocates of several important issues from Right to Work to Sound Money to Property Rights, and more...
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Please arrive as early as 9:30 for help locating your Senator and Representative's new office.
Rally begins at 10:30 a.m.  -- Meet Prof. Thomas Woods!
First Floor Rotunda of the Missouri State Capitol building
201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City MO 65101
Your Mission:
- Network with others interested in constitutional governance.
- Meet your legislators and let them know that "We're from the People and we're here to help!"
- Learn about some of the hot issues and solutions for the next legislative session.
Please plan on helping present framed parchment of the Missouri Constitution to each new state senator and representative and explain to them that "We're From the People and We're Here to Help!" 
If you can, please wear something RED to the rally.
Thank you and see you there,
- The Many Sponsors of the Consent of the Governed Rally
Keynote Speaker: Tom Woods
Three Minute Reports From:
Employment Freedom: Phil Todd
Obamacare: James Coyne
Spiritual Revival: Bev Ehlen
Education: Lisa Payne-Nager
Sound Money: Doug Tjaden
Agenda 21: Bob Parker
(More coming)
Other Events to Watch For
Jan. 9 -- Swearing in of newly elected legislators & opening of 2013 session
Jan. 9 --  Americans for Prosperity -- Hearing Room 1 @ 12:00
Learn about AFP's legislative agenda for 2013
Jan. 19 -- Forum on Missouri Economic Prosperity @ 1:00 to 4:00
Midwest Music Conservatory
15977 CLAYTON RD., BALLWIN, MO 63011
Tom Woods will be back in Missouri. Learn about the Sound Money Bill
Sponsors (partial list)
Missouri Leadership Project Missouri First
Concerned Women of America Missouri Tenth
Ozarks Property Rights Congress Branson Tea Party Coalition
Macon County Patriots Crawford Co. Campaign for Liberty
Sullivan 9/12 Group Capital Tea Party
Missouri Precinct Project Lebanon Tea Party
Mid Missouri Tea Party Patriots
 If your group would like to co-sponsor this rally,
please email for more information.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Diminishing Value of the MBA & How Credentialism Hurts the Economy

Children are told they have to get a college degree to succeed. College graduates are told they need a masters degree to stay ahead. Have you been told that?

At 29, I'm surrounded by peers who are seeking a masters degree to stay ahead of the curve. I'm not surprised by the Wall Street Journal article titled, "For Newly Minted M.B.A.s, a Smaller Paycheck Awaits"

Higher eduction has become a racket in the US. This is reveled anecdotally through the above WSJ article.

  1. Dean of MBA program makes $350,000 a year while graduates from his program can't find jobs.
  2. Dean believes MBA remains a 'terrific investment."
  3. Dean acknowledges that "When I get a budget cut, I think about starting a new program," he says. "If we can do it really well and generate a lot of money, we can pour it back into our core business, which is undergraduate education."

I believe ability to learn is one of the most beautiful gifts God has given us. I hope all of my children develop a love for learning and become masters at a trade or disciple that they love and can support themselves through.

However, paying too much for paper that says one is "qualified" could be one of the many things causing the US's standard of living to stand still or decrease. To create balance, tuition should be linked to students being able to get a job in their fields. Why should colleges tuition continue to grow, and at the same time, not produce results?

Do you have a college degree or above? Do you think it's worth what you paid for your education? Do you plan to go back to school? If so, share your plan to avoid this pitfall of too many "over-qualified" people looking for jobs in our bad economy.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

GOP May Use Debt Ceiling To Force Harry Reid To Pass Budget

Tuesday marks the 1,350th day since the Senate passed a budget!

Byron York: GOP may use debt ceiling to force Harry Reid to pass budget
Tuesday marks the 1,350th day since the Senate passed a budget. The law requires Congress to pass a budget every year, on the grounds that Americans deserve to know how the government plans to spend the trillions of taxpayer dollars it collects, along with dollars it borrows at the taxpayers' expense. But Majority Leader Harry Reid, who last allowed a budget through the Senate in April 2009, has ignored the law since then.

There's no mystery why. The budget passed by large Democratic majorities in the first months of the Obama administration had hugely elevated levels of spending in it. By not passing a new spending plan since, Reid has in effect made those levels the new budgetary baseline. Congress has kept the government going with continuing resolutions based on the last budget signed into law.

While Reid has forbidden action, the House has passed budgets as required. Senate Democrats have been highly critical of those budgets, designed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan. But under Reid's leadership, Democrats have steadfastly refused to come up with a plan of their own.

The situation is deeply frustrating for many Republicans. Sen. Jeff Sessions, ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, has conducted a virtual crusade on the issue, loudly and consistently and unsuccessfully demanding that Reid obey the law and pass a budget. Now, with a fight over the debt ceiling approaching, Sessions wants to try something new.

"I think it should be a firm principle that we should not raise the debt ceiling until we have a plan on how the new borrowed money will be spent," Sessions told me Monday in a phone conversation from his home in Alabama. "If the government wants to borrow money so it can spend more, then the government ought to tell the Congress and the American people how they will spend it."

There are no specific proposals yet, but under this scenario Republicans would insist on a debt ceiling agreement that includes (among other things) a requirement that Congress pass a budget by a specific date. If that doesn't happen, there would be some sort of enforcement mechanism, perhaps an arrangement whereby the debt ceiling was lowered, or one in which Congress would have to muster a supermajority to raise it again.

One problem, of course, is that the law already requires Congress to pass a budget, and Reid has violated that. Why would he abide by a mere agreement between lawmakers? Sessions did not want to go into many specifics on enforcement, but it seems clear from talking to him, as well as others on Capitol Hill, that the plan would have a better chance of success if it had the united support of Republicans in both Senate and House.

House GOP sources favor the idea -- it has "great merit and appeal," said one -- but they stress it is still in the early discussion stage. On the other hand, Speaker John Boehner seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Sessions in a recent conversation with the Wall Street Journal's Stephen Moore, who wrote that Boehner "will insist that Harry Reid and Senate Democrats pass a budget -- something they haven't done in nearly four years -- before proceeding."

Sessions, whose budget campaign has been lonely at times, says in the past Republican leaders have "failed to understand the significance of this issue." Indeed, it took them a while to even figure out what was going on. To many in the GOP, it was hard to believe that anyone would seriously disagree with the idea that Congress should tell the American people what it intends to do with, say, the next $3.7 trillion it spends. And yet some Democrats, Reid among them, obviously do.

As Sessions sees it, Reid's budget gambit is the result of a long-term plan. "It's not a failure of leadership," Sessions said. "This is part of the president's political tactics. There's no doubt in my mind that the White House and the Senate leadership calculated that the lumps they would take for not producing a budget were preferable to actually exposing their financial plan for the future."

Indeed, it's true that Reid, Obama, and Democrats in general have not suffered much adverse public opinion for their refusal to pass a budget. But by raising the issue's profile as part of the debt-ceiling fight, Sessions and many Republicans hope that is about to change.
Byron York, The Examiner's chief political correspondent.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Use to Track Senate Bills

If you go to the Missouri Senate website at, you can keep track of bills by visiting the “Legislation” tab at the top of the page. There, you can review a plethora of valuable information, including:
·        A complete list of 2013 Senate bills (senators may file legislation for the 2013 legislative session until Feb. 28).
·        A list of daily Senate actions toward measures.
·        A topical index, which catalogs bills by specific topics, including “children and minors” and “cities, towns, and villages.”
·        Bills that receive the final stamp of approval from the Missouri Legislature and are sent to the governor’s desk.
·        An archive listing a variety of details from past sessions, dating back to 1995 (First Regular Session of the 88th General Assembly).

Another tab on the Missouri Senate website is the “Session Information” tab, which, among other topics, lists the major dates for the legislative session, a glossary of legislative terms, and information about how a bill becomes a law. 


Jan. 16th - Consent of the Governed Rally

The third annual Consent of the Governed Rally will take place at the Missouri State Capitol Rotunda on Wed. Jan. 16th from 10:00 to 1:00. One of the most important aspects of this year's rally will be to insist that Missouri legislators act proactively to safeguard our right to keep and bear arms. Legislators will also be reminded that they have a duty to evaluate the constitutionality of the bills they submit and vote on.  Key legislation will be featured in short 3 minute presentations by sponsoring legislators.  The keynote speaker will be the always entertaining historian, professor and best-selling author, Thomas (Tom) Woods, whose new on-line Liberty Classroom is garnering enthusiasts nationwide and whose New York Time's best-seller speaks to the necessity for economic freedom in order to have a successful and prosperous economy. 

All rally attendees will be provided with the room numbers of their representative and senator and encouraged to visit their offices to speak briefly with them or at least to drop off the cards provided to show that they were there participating in the rally. This kind of involvement does make a difference to our Missouri legislators who need to feel our support as they face the challenge of interposing on our behalf in appropriate ways against Federal intrusions upon our God-given rights.  Don't sit back and complain, come out and join your voice with others who are willing to pay their dues in exercising "eternal vigilance", the "price of liberty".  If you can't make the drive to Jefferson City that day, at least consider writing or calling your legislators to tell them you are there in spirit.  Updates, information on other upcoming activities, and newsletter signups may be found at after Jan. 9.

About keynote speaker Tom Woods! Bio: Thomas E. Woods, Jr., is a senior fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and creator of Tom Wood's Liberty Classroom. He holds a bachelor's degree in history from Harvard and his master's, M.Phil., and Ph.D. from Columbia University. He is the author of eleven books, most recently Rollback: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal Collapse, Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century, and Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse.

The implications of our huge and ever-growing national debt,  the expansion of the TSA and warrant-less government surveillance,  "ObamaCare",  activist judges, social security insolvency, the Federal Reserve's creation of hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air, and renewed threats against our natural rights of self-defense as expressed in our 2nd amendment. If so, come out and join with other like minded individuals from all across Missouri – and exercise your right to say 'Enough is enough!' 

Friday, January 04, 2013

Study on the Constititution led by Jim Denk and Lloyd Sloan begins Monday, Jan. 7

Jim Denk and Lloyd Sloan will lead this study on The Five Thousand Year Leap. Even if you have read the book or have taken the study, this will be worth your while to sit under the teaching of these two individuals. Bring a friend.

The class will start on Monday, Jan. 7 at 7 p.m. at Pillar Foundation, 15820 Clayton Rd., Ellisville (block east of Clarkson) and run approximately 13 weeks.  It is broken into weekly sections so while one builds on the other missing a week or two won't put anyone behind for future weeks.

15820 Clayton Rd, Ellisville, MO 63011

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Do you live in the Kirkwood School District?

School Board elections are in April, and it looks like conservatives need a good candidate to run in the Kirkwood School Board. 

It looks like Darnel Frost, one of the candidates for KSD Board this April, is head of the Kirkwood Human Rights Commission--the group behind the recent gay rights ordinance passed at City Council (see picture)...

Interested citizens might be interested in Mr. Frost's take on gay "rights", curriculum, and the schools.

If you do have interest, email me at ruthlcarlson [at] gmail [dot] com. I can connect you with others in the the district that could help you.

Federal Court Issues Temp. Restraining Order In Contraceptive Mandate Case, Invoking 1st Amendment As Well As RFRA

In Sharpe Holdings, Inc. v. United States Department of Health and Human Services, (ED MO, Dec. 31, 2012), a Missouri federal magistrate judge issued a temporary restraining order barring enforcement of the Affordable Care Act contraceptive coverage mandate to require a for-profit dairy farming and cheese making business to cover abortifacient devices ( Plan B, Ella and copper IUDs) and related counseling. In addition to the company, plaintiffs in the case were Charles Sharpe, the founder-owner and CEO of the company, and two employees who "pay a portion of the required premiums and enjoy the benefits of the self-insured program."
From -

 In addition to concluding that under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act the mandate and its penalties would substantially burden plaintiffs' free exercise rights, the court held that for 1st Amendment purposes, the mandate is not a neutral law of general applicability:
Plaintiffs have shown to the court's satisfaction for the purposes of these initial proceedings, that the ACA mandate is not generally applicable because it does not apply to grandfathered health plans, religious employers, or employers with fewer than fifty employees. Specifically, plaintiffs argue that the ACA mandate's exemptions clearly prefer secular purposes over religious purposes and some religious purposes over other religious purposes. Burdens cannot be selectively imposed only on conduct motivated by religious belief.

Reminder - Citizens Rallying in Jeff on Jan. 16 @ 10:30a.m.

Consent of the Governed Rally on Wed., Jan 16 around 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Jefferson City in the Rotunda.

Prof. Tom Woods has agreed to be the featured speaker this year.  The theme will be geared to Economic Freedom, a concept that includes virtually all the issues we care about, from sovereignty, to our tax system, to sound money, to health-care freedom, to sound money, ect.

Both the House and Senate majorities have announced legislative agenda which focus heavily on economic issues.   The senate is calling their program "B.I.G." -- I see our job as that of making sure B.I.G. doesn't end up resulting in Big Intrusive Government! 

Please mark you calendars for Jan. 16th and pass the word.

I know that the coordinator is looking for volunteers and organization co-sponsors. Contact:
Ron Calzone, director
Missouri First, Inc.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Arch Tax – Just Say NO! - VOTE in April

Arch Tax – Just Say NO!

by local St. Louis County Republican Committeeman John Judd

The St. Louis County and St. Charles County Councils are in the process of placing the Arch Tax on your April 2, 2013 ballot. The St. Louis Board of Aldermen has already put it on the city ballot. I urge you to join with me in opposing it. It is a three-sixteenth of a cent sales tax.

If passed, 30% of the money will go to the entity called Great Rivers Greenway. 40% of the money is set to go to the St. Louis County Parks Department. 30% of the money is set to go to Arch grounds expansion.

It's been said it will generate $38 million a year.

You pay for the activities of the Great Rivers Greenway entity with an earmarked sales tax already. Do you want to pay another sales tax to fund the activities of Great Rivers Greenway?

You pay for County Parks on your real estate and personal property taxes. Do you want to pay another sales tax to fund the County Parks?

If you give the County more money what is to stop them from diverting it to TIF projects?

You pay for the Arch tourist attraction from your federal income taxes.

You pay when you visit the Arch. Now do you want to pay another sales tax to fund Arch grounds expansion?

The best news is that St. Louis County voters have veto power. If we vote it down in the county it doesn't go into effect.
Enough is enough.

Please vote on April 2 and get your family and friends out to vote.
Please vote "NO" on the Arch tax. Please spread the word. Thank you.

Please forward. Please re-post.

Milk Prices Are Set by Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)

This means that milk producers are "price takers."

Apparently "the price that farmers receive is based on a federal formula derived from the price of four globally traded dairy commodities -- butter, dry milk powder, whey powder (a byproduct of cheese-making) and cheddar cheese sold on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and is administered by the USDA Federal Milk Marketing Order Office. "

The pressure to pass the "farm bill" regarding milk prices going up seems misleading. It seems like farmers continuing to get subsidies is a separate issue from the price of milk because that's set by a federal formula not by real costs.

Even more, the subsidy might actually have to do with keeping the grain prices low, which the cows need. But that would mean cow farmers would go out of business because the grain goes up but the price is still set based upon some global sales number....

If you know more about this process, please post in my comment section.

I just find this extremely frustrating that it's probably impossible to know why they must pass an extension of the "Farm Bill." It probably doesn't have anything to do with keeping milk "accessible."

Reminder - TeenPact Missouri early bird discounts expire this week!

Do you have teenagers or know teenagers looking to understand government better this is for you!

Early bird discount deadlines, approaching for the 2013 TeenPact Missouri classes.
The dates for the 2013 Missouri classes are -

Four-Day Class (13-19 year olds) – March 4 – 7, 2013
One-Day Class (8-12 year olds) – March 8, 2013
Political Communication Workshop (13-19 year olds) – March 8, 2013
Our Four-Day Early Bird Deadline is January 3.  If you register by this date you can save $15 off of your tuition.
Our One-Day Early Bird Deadline is January 7.  If you register by this date you can save $5 off of your tuition.

To register, visit and click "Register for Missouri."

This year TeenPact will hold dynamic, hands-on government and leadership 
This year TeenPact will hold dynamic hands-on government and leadership classes in 39 states. We are excited about the opportunity to help students become active citizens and grow stronger in their walk with God. Our mission is to train youth to understand the political process, value their liberty, defend their Christian faith, and engage the culture. Missouri's TeenPact class will be held March 4-7, 2013 in Jefferson City, Missouri. A Political Communication Workshop (optional) will follow on March 8.
TeenPact is a comprehensive leadership experience that brings teens closer to Jesus Christ, makes them better leaders, and positions them to impact public policy in their state. During the week, students meet important officials, interact with other like-minded students, and have more fun at the Capitol than they could have ever imagined. Students leave inspired and challenged with an intensive desire to change America for Christ!
Your child will leave TeenPact with a clearer understanding of government than most college graduates. There is no better way for high school students to earn their high school civics credit!
Students enjoy worship & devotions and meet important officials, interview lobbyists, view campaign disclosures, improve their public speaking skills, write their own bills, and conduct their own TeenPact legislature. They analyze public policy from a Biblical worldview and learn to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Other activities include: Reading actual bills that are being worked through the legislature
    •    Researching how political candidates spend their campaign money
    •    Analyzing media content with an emphasis on worldview
    •    Participating in student elections
    •    Learning about the structure and content of our nation's Constitution
What about children under 13?
The TeenPact One Day Class is an abbreviated version of the Four Day, designed specifically for ages 8-12. This class focuses on
    •    The biblical responsibility to pray for our leaders
    •    The principle of "higher authority"
    •    The "bill-to-law" legislative process
    •    Public speaking for young students
Date: March 8, 2013
If you would like more information on the Missouri class, please direct an email to our State Coordinator Beth Blunk at 

This is TeenPact Leadership School's 11th year in Missouri. I am thrilled at what God is doing in my generation as He raises up youth to "stand in the gap"! (Ezekiel 22:30)

Hope to see you at TeenPact in March!


Sarah Greek
former TeenPact student and Promotions Coordinator

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Fwd: RSC: Fiscal Cliff Update

Analysis by U.S. House Republican Study Committee (RSC):

Affirmatively Provides for Tax Increases:
If this legislation is enacted, some American families and small business would face higher tax rates in 2013 on regular income and income from capital gains and dividends than they have faced in recent years, a situation conservatives have historically and universally advocated against. An Obama administration "fact sheet" on H.R. 8 asserts, "for the first time in 20 years, Congress will have acted on a bipartisan basis to vote for significant new revenue."


Delays Spending Cuts from the Budget Control Act: Some conservatives may be concerned that H.R. 8 would delay FY 2013 sequestration for two months. The cost of that delay would be offset by lowering the discretionary spending caps for FY 2013 and 2014 and through increased short-term revenue by allowing 401(k) to Roth IRA conversions. Some conservatives expressed concern at the time of passage of the Budget Control Act that it exchanged an immediate increase in the debt limit in exchange for future spending cuts that may not occur. Similar concerns may arise here as additional current spending is offset by unspecified future spending cuts.


Death Tax: After many years of effort, conservatives succeeding in eliminating the death tax for one year, 2010. This legislation would permanently reestablish the death tax at a 40% rate with a $5 million exemption.


Extends Unemployment Benefits: The legislation provides the eleventh extension of the "temporary" expansion of the unemployment compensation program created in 2008. Many conservatives will be concerned that this $30 billion extension is not paid for. Many conservatives argue that extended unemployment benefits increase incentives to remain unemployed.


Extends Stimulus Provisions: The legislation would extend for five years three "temporary" refundable tax credits that originated in the stimulus bill: the American Opportunity Tax 2 Credit, expanded Earned Income Tax Credit, and increased refundability of the Child Tax Credit. This $134 billion in stimulus spending would not be offset.


Tax Inequality: If enacted, many conservatives have argued that this legislation would lead to an increase in the share of taxes paid by higher earners. That may increase the number of Americans who do not experience the full cost of the federal government, but benefit from it. The Obama Administration "fact sheet" declares, "the agreement will ensure we have the most progressive income tax code in decades."


Class Warfare: Some conservatives have argued that this legislation affirms Democrats' efforts to engage in class warfare by explicitly singling out high earners for more revenue.


Marriage Penalty: The new permanent tax brackets set at $400,000 for single individuals and $450,000 for families would continue to penalize married Americans as the bracket for married filers is not set at twice the amount of the single bracket. Many conservatives fought for tax reforms in 2001 and 2003 that eliminated the marriage penalty for lower-income filers, and hold that the principle of equal treatment for income of married and single taxpayers should be universal, not only for certain income groups.


Disproportionately Impacts Small Businesses: The legislation would allow increased tax rates for many small businesses, while providing some large corporations with tax breaks through the "extenders" package. These include tax breaks for wind energy, motorsports racing tracks, film and television productions, and cellulosic biofuels production.


Farm Bill: Some conservatives may have issue with the one-year extension of the Farm Bill due to the continuation of direct payments and the cotton program. Additional opposing arguments are listed in the Farm Bill section of the summary later in this document.


Economic Growth and Jobs: Many conservatives have expressed that increased revenue flowing to the federal government from taxpayers during a period of economic distress could negatively impact economic growth and increase the unemployment rate, particularly if investment income is impacted.


Commission on Long Term Care: The legislation would provide for a new Commission on Long Term Care. Some conservatives may be concerned that a commission seeking the establishment, implementation, and financing of a high quality system to ensure the availability of long-term services for individuals could provide support for the creation of a new entitlement program, similar to the Medicare prescription drug program. Other conservatives may feel the federal government has enough commissions and should decommission several before funding additional commissions.



Wesley Goodman

Director of Conservative Coalitions and State Outreach

U.S. House Republican Study Committee (RSC)

Office of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Chairman | 202-225-2676

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