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Monday, February 25, 2013

(AGENDA 21) SLU Hosts: How to Make America's Urban Core Sustainable in the Twenty-first Century

I'm always wearied by conspiracy theorists that mistake of believing a "master plan" is behind the natural results of progressive ideas. Yet it's important for liberty-loving individuals to start following how there are a lot of people working to get "sustainable development" (Agenda 21) implemented in our area --and they are trying to get funding through Prop P on the April ballot. 

First off, I got a tip about a "Regional Sustainable Communities" meeting at Pevely City Hall last week from a concerned citizen who later attended the meeting, which are sponsored by the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD). You can read his report here. One of his observations included how a data portal is being developed that will hold all information as the Sustainable Development process unfolds and it will be hosted by St. Louis University.

Turns out, this Friday there will be a a free and open to the public Saint Louis University Public Law Review Symposium called on Saving the Cities: How to Make America's Urban Core Sustainable in the Twenty-first Century. Will the data portal be mentioned??

Friday, March 1, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Saint Louis University School of Law
William H. Kniep Courtroom
Register      Presenters       Schedule

It would be great for concerned citizens to attend this symposium to learn more. I've also heard there will be another "Regional Sustainable Communities" meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2013 at the Madison Fire Station (Illinois) starting at 6:30 p.m. Updated Meeting Flyer.

What is concerning, however, is that the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD) is suppose to be "funded through a partnership among the federal agencies of HUD, DOT and EPA." But I question that. I googled "Great Rivers Greenway," which is getting a percentage of the taxes raised through Prop. P, and I found the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development meetings listed on the Great Rivers Greenway website.

RPSD and Great Rivers Greenway are part of a partnership. This is all connected. 

If you are interested in being part of team of concerned citizens tracking what all of this is about. Contact me.


freespeak said...

East-West Gateway comes to mind,
along with an embedded hierarchy of conspirators, included within the
MO Municipal League (other states as well) that leads all the way to George Soros's League of cities and managed, to this day, gun control.
No joke!
This is on their website, included with a long list of other associates:
National Associations of Municipal League:

Government Finance Officers Association
National League of Cities
International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
American Planning Association
National League of Cities (NLC) and State League Sites

How about that Meramec River Greenway as part of a bigger plan?
Everone loves that kind of thing, but gov.involvement, ultimately means gov. control...pick your governmment.

freespeak said...

Rails to Trails

of course it's global