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Monday, February 04, 2013

Witness form link - Right to Work Hearing Wednesday

The right to either join a union or refrain from joining a union is a basic freedom.  HB 77 defends that freedom.  Hearing is Wednesday, Feb. 6th. Did you know that the Missouri has "Right to Work" in the state Constitution?

That's right, Article I, Section 29  says, "That employees shall have the right to organize and to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing."

Properly applied, that means even if 99% of the employees at a company choose to form the XYZ Union, the other 1% (or any individual) still has the right to choose someone else -- including themselves -- to represent them.  The Constitution declares an individual's right to either join the union or refrain from joining the union a majority of his coworkers formed.

So why is Missouri not considered a "Right to Work" state?

It's because our state legislature has thus far failed to do their duty to protect the rights of Missouri workers from an unconstitutional federal law from 1935 (The National Labor Relations Act, aka "Wagner Act").

That will change if  HB 77 (Rep. Eric Burlison) becomes law.

Commonly known as "Right to Work" or "Employment Freedom", this bill will have a public hearing in the Workforce Development and Workplace Safety Committee on Wednesday, Feb. 6th.
Although polls indicate most union members don't think anyone should be forced to join a union, their leadership will fight this bill tooth and nail!

Your help is needed!

Please either attend this hearing or, if you can't make it, fill out an online witness form which will be presented with hundreds of others at the hearing.  Include your own comments on the form.

Witness Form Links for HB 77 (Right to Work in Missouri)

Generic Witness Form: Click for Witness Form

Workforce Development and Workplace Safety Committee -- Bill Lant, Chair
Date:  Wednesday, Feb 6
Time:  8:00 a.m.
Room:  HR 5 (basement of Missouri Capitol)
Please fill this form out now and pass this email on to as many friends as you can!
For Liberty,
Ron Calzone

Learn More About The Bill:
HB 77 (Burlison) Establishes Right to Work in Missouri, thus codifying Art. I Sec. 29 in the statutes. Protects freedom of association.

Missouri First Principled Policy paper on right to work:
This policy paper tells the history of the Wagner Act, particularly wily FDR's use of the "Court Packing Plan" to coerce the Supreme Court into accepting this unconstitutional federal edict.
It also provides a principled answer to legitimate liberty-based concerns about Right to Work.

More Interesting Resources
Historian Tom Woods:
Forgotten Facts of American Labor History
Labor Law Timeline:
Brief History of American Labor Law

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