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Friday, April 07, 2006

What are “guest workers”?

Thomas Sowell articulates a rare and refreshing perspective on immigration reform in his article Guests or Gate Crashers?” Sowell asks, “What is a guest?” Well, a guest is “someone you have invited.” He continues by stating that “[p]eople who force their way into your home without your permission” are anything but guests.

Sowell also points out the weak arguments given to justify ignoring that millions of people have broken the law with apparently no recourse from our government. It makes me wonder, are we nation founded on the rule of law or the whims of popular opinion? Why are politicians courting people who are ready to ignore the existing immigration laws?

Christ Simcox, co-founder of the Minutemen, comments: “[o]ur Homeland Security is a farce now. They do noting to secure our borders. They say they are fighting a war on terror, but they are leaving our country’s back doors wide open.” Minutemen is a organization, similar to a neighborhood watch group, that is comprised of about 4200 volunteers. They watch the borders and call the border patrol when they spot people attempting crossing the border.

What would you propose to as a solution to the growing illegal immigrant population in the US?


Anonymous said...

Begin with enforcement of current
statutes, first and foremost against employers who break the law by harboring illegal workers.

It is a sad commentary on our Congress, president and bureaucracy
to watch them all scramble to write new law while ignoring what we have already paid them to legislate on our behalf; i.e., laws they refuse to enforce because of the vast array of special interests they serve to stay in office.

Oath-breakers? To support and defend the Constitution. Violation of the Third Commandment? To whom are they accountable?

Anonymous said...

Bill Nye raises some important points about immigration history and the economics of our current situation. Of course, it has only recently become a major national issue since 9-11 and inreasingly widespread concerns of national security. The obvious inconsistency of rigid and inconvenient controls at airports in contrast to porous land borders is creating mounting political tension, along with other factors.

Long before current publicity, however, members of the Libertarian Party, the Constitution
Party and countless GOP conservatives have been complaining about lax enforcement of current law, leading to twelve to 30 million illegals, costing $
billions in healthcare, education,
crime, incarceration, lawbreaking employers, tax cheating, ect.

We also know that these are not only challenges to the U.S., but are sweeping across the UK and Europe, as well.

An excellent portrayal of the major features of this demographic
paradigm shift and its huge cultural implications is "Death of the West, How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization," by
Patrick J.Buchanan (2002, St. Martin's Press.

Note: Largely because of over three decades of unabated abortion
(child sacrifice) in the U.S. and Europe, and the massive migration
of large families from Latin America, Islamic countries and Africa northward, it is little wonder that economic, social and
religious national profiles are
being turned upside down.

What do Christians have to say,
while the politicians bumble and blather?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Ruth. "Anonymous" was Centurion. My error.

By the way, a very worthy subject.