
Only two weeks left to SAVE $100 on CHEF/Generations with Vision 2013 Family Economics Mega Conference on May 8-11, 2013.
The Early Bird Special price of just $199 for a family (or $89 an individual) will expire on January 12, 2013, so hurry to take advantage of this terrific price. After this, the price is $299 for a family (or $109 an individual).
Registration is nearly 50% filled!
Whether you are able to start your own family business now or not, you need to be casting a vision for multigenerational family economics for your children's children.
This conference is all about multiple generations living, working, doing business, worshiping, and ministering together.
As businesses continue to disappear, Candy and I strongly feel that God is offering our families a tremendous opportunity for taking dominion in the marketplace for God's glory.
Please make sure to mark that you heard about this event through CHEF.
A Week Earlier This Year!
CHEF Annual Family Ice Skating Saturday, January 19, 2013, 4:00-8:00 p.m. Outdoor ice rink at Shaw Park, 217 S. Brentwood, Clayton, MO 63105. $5 per skater includes skate rental, hot chocolate, and paper goods. Please send name, number of skaters, and check payable to CHEF, c/o Jon Summers, 236 St. Louis Avenue, MO 63135 by January 16. To get this deal, we must pay in advance, so please send your check in by the deadline; however, if you are able to come at the last minute, we will still be able to accommodate your family. Just make certain that the ticket window knows that you are with the CHEF group. This outdoor rink is a beautiful place to skate at night. Bring a finger food or plate of cookies to share, as we will set up hot chocolate in the warmed seating area just off the rink.
Deadline December 31!
CHEF 23rd Annual Math Olympics, Grades 3-12 Friday, January 25, 2013 at Southgate Christian Church, 9820 East Watson Road, Crestwood, MO 63126. Registration deadline is December 31, 2012. The registration form is available by contacting Marsha Siecinski at marshaski6 [at] aol.com.
Ron Calzone, director
Missouri First, Inc.
Saint Charles County Liberty Project and Missouri Citizens for Sound Money & Economic Liberty - cordially invite you to a Forum on Economic Prosperity for Missouri! With innovative ideas for challenging economic times!Please Save the following date and join us for this fantastic event. And please spread the word!Date: Saturday - Jan. 19, 2013Time: 1:00 - 4:00pmPlace: Midwest Music Conservatory15977 Clayton Rd.Clarkson Valley, MO 63011Please join us for a tremendously educational forum and discussion of the incredible need for our state & country to be returned to a sound & stable monetary system.Speakers will include:
Tom Woods - Sr. Fellow at Ludwig von Mises Institute
Doug Tjaden - Tenth Amendment Center
Craig Franco - CEO/President/Managing Director at Utah Gold & Silver Depository, LLC
(report on beneficial effects of sound money project since passage
& implementation in Utah)
- and more!
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has ruled the U.S. Senate with an iron fist since Democrats took the Senate majority after the 2006 election. He obstructed almost all of then-President George W. Bush's nominees by refusing to schedule confirmation votes even for non-controversial nominees to important positions. He has consistently used his power as Majority Leader to entirely shut Republicans out of the legislating process, and he now has the audacity to claim that Republicans are obstructing the legislative process. He is now seeking to take away the filibuster, which is currently the Minority party's only check on Majoritarian rule.
We need you to tell the truth about what Harry Reid is doing, and to call your Senators and tell them to oppose Reid's unprecedented power grab!
What Harry Reid Is Actually Doing
Few people have time to watch Senate proceedings on C-SPAN every day, and the mainstream media will not cover stories that jeopardize Reid's liberal agenda. So, not only has Harry Reid has been getting away with tyranny, but he's getting away with claiming that it's the Republican Minority that is being unreasonable. Here's how he does it:
The Senate Majority Leader's power comes from his ability to be recognized on the Senate floor before anyone else. So, when he brings a bill to the Senate floor, he uses procedural tricks to shut out minority amendments and debates by:
"Filling the Tree"
Senate rules limit the number of amendments that can be added to bills. So Reid uses his power of recognition to fill the amendment slots, usually with inconsequential amendments like changing commas, changing section numbers or names, etc., thus, keeping the Minority party from offering amendments.
Selectively Adding Republican Amendments
While "filling the amendment tree," Reid will often throw in a few Republican amendments that are non-controversial and do not interfere with his agenda. That enables him to say he included the Minority in the process, while keeping them from offering any amendments they actually want.
Same-Day Cloture Motions
After bringing a bill to the floor and "filling the tree," Reid will frequently file a Cloture motion, which is a motion to end debate. Senate Rules allow a Senator to speak as long as he or she desires and on any subject he or she desires unless 3/5 of the Senate votes to "invoke Cloture" to end the debate. "Filibuster" or prolonging debate to stall or block the passage of legislation can be a powerful tool for the Minority party. Reid consistently invokes Cloture almost simultaneously with bringing the bill to the floor, setting up the fiction that Republicans are filibustering, when in reality, they haven't even had the chance to start debating. Liberals then criticize Republicans for voting against Cloture motions, claiming they are obstructing Senate business, when in truth, they are simply voting to protect their right to properly consider matters before voting on them.
Harry Reid created the fiction that Republicans are abusing the filibuster so he can justify getting rid of it, and calling it "reform." We must not let him get away with it.
Reid Must Break Senate Rules to Change Them There is one more twist. In order for Reid to amend Senate Rules to limit the filibuster, he will have to break Senate Rules. Unlike the House of Representatives, which changes every two years, the Senate is a continuing body, the members have staggered terms, so rules stay consistent from one session to the next. Reid wants to discard the notion that the Senate is a continuing body and change Senate rules to require only a simple majority to end a filibuster. We are all frustrated with the radical nominees and legislation Obama, Reid and Pelosi have been able pass, but without the filibuster, we could not have stopped legislation like "Card Check" and "Cap and Trade," and could not have stopped some of President Obama's most radical nominees. | ||||||||
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