Home School Rally
Parental Rights & Home Education
Missouri State Capitol
Jefferson City
Tuesday, March 26th, 2013 - 2:30 pm
Sponsored by:
Families for Home Education
In our generation Parental Right have come under attack like never before in America and Missouri!
Various levels of the federal government and even many influential activists in State government
have been working to label you and I as suspect, even a threat to national security,
just because we home school our children!
Just as the Missouri Department of Revenue has (secretly) begun compiling a massive
database of citizens and your source documents, the Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education has conspired to begin a massive data collection on children and
families through local schools. By adopting the Common Core Standards initiative
DESE has demonstrated the plan for Missouri to join with other States to provide
as much detailed information as possible with the federal government.
How long do you think home schoolers can stay free?
Home Education is a foundational rights that stems from the natural rights of the Family!
Those who seek to undermine this right also work to fracture Parental Rights. Here in
our Great State of Missouri the fundamental principles of Parental Rights are not
recognized even in State Statutes, much less in the Constitution! It's no wonder
everyone lives in the fear of government coming to take away your children.
Worst of all, the vast majority of child abuse accusations are treated under the law as "civil"
violations rather than "criminal". As a result parents have NO Constitutional Rights that would
help protect against false accusations. Under most child protections accused parents are NOT
assumed innocent until the government prove that you are guilty. Instead, you are assumed
to be guilty until YOU prove that you are innocent. The State Children's Division treats all
such cases without affording you the basic rights respected of outright criminals!
Parental Rights are too important to leave unprotected. Please come to the Missouri State Capitol
for this important rally. With almost half of the 163 House members being new to the Legislature,
and the remaining members serving only a few years (thanks to the impact of "term limits")
they must see and hear from you! Of the 34 Senators and House members (197 in all) only
a small fraction have ever seen a large organized group of Home Schoolers.
In 2009 3,000 home schoolers packed out the Capitol,
but since then 80% of the General Assembly has
been replaced and only a few have seen more than
a tenth of these numbers at any given time.
Go to:
and check out HB 513, Sponsored by Representative Kurt Bahr, and
to see HJR 26, Sponsored by Representative Todd Richardson
Come thank these men and the many co-sponsors of these important bills.
Come and visit with your Representative and Senator to ask for their support also!
Without your involvement Parental Rights will continue to be eroded until your grandchildren
and great-grandchildren will no longer have the home schooling rights you enjoy today.